Long Time No Blog
I have been remiss in my posts on this blog. Life has been busy. I love this time of the year....but I think I say that about every season. As my good friend, Dot, said she loves to see all the new growth on the trees, etc. and the lovely flowers and the birds singing happily. And then she said even more than the beautiful show all around us, Easter should mean even more to us than Christmas with the assurance of Jesus' resurrection. Amen and Amen! I took a class titled "Teaching Children Effectively" to help me with Good News Club. I must say the class was amazing! I have spent 30 years teaching in the public schools so I felt like I had a "leg up" with some of the training. But, I have to say that class was HARD! We had to do 3 practicums in front of one teacher and a couple class members. I felt like I was on the hot seat....I can do those things in front of children but do not ask me to do it in front of adults. The teachers taught us how to use a Wordless book to share the Gospel message with children. I remember taking CPR training and being told that now that I was CPR certified I was responsible for helping out in an emergency situation. I feel the same way about the wordless book.....we have the information and we are responsible for sharing with as many people as possible. We learned how to teach a verse of Scripture for memorization and how to present a Bible lesson weaving the gospel message into the story. I think anyone who works in a Good News Club needs to take the training.
We finished the class on Tuesday and then on Friday I picked up Kirsten and Thomas for some time together while Cindy and Thomas went to Puerto Rico. We had so much fun! I took them to school and picked them up. When we got back to their home we played outside until almost dark. I just love spending time with them.
For anyone reading this post, I wish you a very blessed Holy Week and Easter Sunday!!
We finished the class on Tuesday and then on Friday I picked up Kirsten and Thomas for some time together while Cindy and Thomas went to Puerto Rico. We had so much fun! I took them to school and picked them up. When we got back to their home we played outside until almost dark. I just love spending time with them.
For anyone reading this post, I wish you a very blessed Holy Week and Easter Sunday!!